Note: This item cannot be received by Christmas, as it is fully custom.
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Note: This item can only be preordered.
Orders that contain preordered items will be placed on hold until those items come in stock.
If you want in-stock items to ship right away, we can split your shipment into two parts, for a small additional shipping charge. Please email with your order details and we'd be happy to assist you.
You will be notified via a shipment confirmation e-mail once your order has been shipped.
Do you want to continue?
Note: This item is currently on backorder.
Orders that contain backordered items will be placed on hold until those items come back in stock.
You will be notified via a shipment confirmation e-mail once your order has been shipped.
Do you want to continue?
We are constantly adding to our extensive catalog of standard, pre-made bodies!
Select one of these new figures, upload your photos and we'll fully customize the head for you!